Code of Conduct
OneSixSix Velo Cycling Club
For Individual Members, Staff, Ride Leaders, Officials and Volunteers.
OneSixSix Velo Cycling Club is a community cycling club based in South East London which is affiliated with British Cycling, the governing body of cycle sport in the UK as recognised by the Union Cycliste Internationale and the Sports Councils. This document is based on British Cycling’s code of conduct, which offers guidance on good practice for everyone involved in the sport of cycling, whether they be British Cycling staff, individual members, coaches, race officials, member club officials or volunteers.
The code of conduct is divided into four sections:
Rights: which outlines the basic rights of individuals to take part in the sport of cycling
Relationships: which offers guidance on personal relationships in cycling, in particular, those between coaches or others in positions of influence and riders
Personal Standards: which outlines the standards of personal conduct and behaviour expected within the sport at all levels
Professional Standards: which details the commitment to best practice and ongoing professional development expected of officials, coaches, volunteers and all others in positions of authority within British Cycling
It is essential that all people involved in cycling recognise and ensure that everyone has an equal right to participate in the sport.
OneSixSix Velo Cycling Club, including members, staff, coaches, officials, and volunteers, will:
Make every effort to make cycling a sport where everyone is treated as an individual and which is open and available equally to all members of society.
Make every effort to ensure that cycling in all its forms offers the individual the opportunity to participate without fear or harassment. Where a participant experiences fear, harassment or bullying, the individual has a right to make a complaint and for that complaint to be heard and acted upon in accordance with the relevant policy.
Respect the right of riders to consult with other coaches and experts.
Encourage everyone to have a balanced lifestyle, therefore protecting their welfare both outside and within the sport.
OneSixSix Velo Cycling Club, including members, staff, coaches, officials, and volunteers, will:
Ensure that all individuals in cycling are, at all times, treated with respect.
Not discriminate against an individual for any reason, whether it be race, colour, gender, marital status, sexuality, age, disability, occupation, religion or political persuasion.
Challenge discrimination in whatever form it takes.
Always behave with discretion when discussing individuals, athletes or coaches and avoid engaging in descriptions or publicly criticising them in a way they may find demeaning.
Communicate with each other in a way which reflects respect and care. This is especially important in rider/coach relationships, when a coach provides feedback to a rider and when dealing with children or vulnerable adults.
OneSixSix Velo Cycling Club, including members, staff, coaches, officials, and volunteers, will:
Build relationships within the sport which are open and honest and founded on mutual trust and respect.
Members, coaches, staff, officials and volunteers must not behave in any way which involves or could be construed as abuse of any kind, whether it be sexual, physical, emotional, neglectful or bullying. The welfare and best interests of everyone involved with the sport should be respected and promoted at all times. Individuals should be empowered to be responsible for their own decisions.
Anyone involved in a position of authority or engaged in coaching or any other form of relationship directly related to the sport must avoid sexual intimacy during that relationship. This should also extend for a period of time immediately following the end of that relationship.
Members, coaches, staff, officials and volunteers must always take action if they have concerns about an adult‘s behaviour towards a child.
When coaching is offered, it is important to clearly define the level of expertise, services and any fees involved.
Coaches should work with and communicate with a range of individuals and organisations that will benefit the rider and provide them with a broader range of services and knowledge. Equally, coaches should discuss and agree with a rider other sources of information and guidance if they believe it will be of benefit to the rider.
Members, coaches, staff, officials and volunteers should take into account the physical needs of riders, both in and out of competition. Issues such as the volumes and intensity of their training and competitive cycling should be addressed with particular care. This is especially important with young riders who are still growing.
Physical contact during both competitive and non-competitive cycling activities should be limited to that which is appropriate and necessary. It should always be with the consent and approval of the rider/athlete.
Any form of sexually related contact with an underage athlete is strictly forbidden. So, too, are sexual innuendo, flirting or any inappropriate gestures and terms. It is every adult’s responsibility to inform a child’s parents immediately if there are any concerns for the welfare of that child.
When a young rider intends to undertake any form of coach-led cycling activity, it is the responsibility of the coach or responsible adult to discuss fully the potential impact of the programme with parents and/or other interested parties.
If an intimate relationship is developing between a coach and a rider they are coaching, then the rider should immediately be transferred to another coach. It is the duty of coaches and other cycling officials to know and understand British Cycling’s policies and procedures in this regard. It is equally important to follow the reporting procedures laid down by British Cycling if an individual has a concern – failing to act is not acceptable.
Governing Bodies, Clubs, Regions and other forms of association within the sport should involve and consult members at all levels in decision-making processes. Members, coaches, staff and officials must respect all cyclists’ opinions concerning their participation in cycling. Equally, cyclists at all levels should be encouraged to take responsibility for their own development and actions within the sport and be aware of and respect the Technical Regulations under which cycling competitions are conducted.. Where decisions are made concerning a cyclist’s involvement in the sport, whether it be with a coach or other person in a position of responsibility, care must be taken to include the cyclist in the decision-making process except during competitions when this process is governed by the Technical Regulations.
Coaches or other persons in positions of responsibility should keep cyclists and/or their parents informed of the requirements of the sport, both physical and, where appropriate, financial. An understanding of the potential for conflicts of interest and a willingness to resolve them is also important. In particular, coaches should be careful not to work with any other coach’s riders without first discussing or agreeing with both the coach and the rider involved. In all relationships within the sport – including club/rider or coach/rider – mutual agreement should also be reached on what information concerning the cyclist should remain confidential.
OneSixSix Velo Cycling Club, including members, staff, coaches, officials and volunteers, should demonstrate proper personal behaviour and conduct at all times.
OneSixSix Velo Cycling Club’s members, staff, coaches, officials and volunteers must be fair, honest and considerate to riders and other individuals involved in the sport.
OneSixSix Velo Cycling Club’s members, coaches, staff, officials and volunteers must attempt to provide positive role models for others in the sport at all times.
It is essential to act within the Technical Regulations and the spirit of cycling at all times and behave with respect, displaying control, dignity and professionalism at all times.
OneSixSix Velo Cycling Club’s members, coaches, staff, officials and volunteers must be prepared to familiarise themselves with issues relating to the use of performance-enhancing drugs and banned methods in sport and co-operate fully with UK Sport and British Cycling policies in this area.
Coaches and officials have a responsibility to provide education and guidance on these issues. Coaches and clubs should maintain previous levels of interest and support for an athlete when they are injured or sick.
High standards of behaviour are expected of everyone within the sport, whether it be in language, manner, appearance or punctuality. Quality preparation and presentation are also important aspects of coaching and educational work.
People in positions of authority or influence, or who may be considered role models, should not smoke, drink alcohol or use recreational or performance-enhancing drugs whilst involved with the sport or its participants in any way.
To maximise the enjoyment and benefits of cycling, minimise the risks to participants and competitors and ensure safe and correct practice, all officials, coaches and others in positions of authority within the sport must attain a high level of competence through qualifications and a commitment to ongoing training and must support and implement the codes of conduct and policies of British Cycling.
OneSixSix Velo Cycling Club’s members, coaches, staff, officials and volunteers should strive to provide a safe environment that maximises the enjoyment and benefits of cycling and minimises risks to participants and competitors, thus helping them to achieve their goals. Safe and correct practices must be carried out and promoted at all times.
Officials, coaches and others in positions of authority within the sport should at all times strive to be professional and accept responsibility for their actions. They should make an ongoing commitment to provide participants and competitors with a quality service. Beyond that, they should actively promote the positive benefits to society of participation in cycling. They should contribute to the development of their own field of expertise or responsibility by exchanging knowledge and ideas with others and by gaining appropriate British Cycling (or other approved body) qualifications.
OneSixSix Velo Cycling Club’s members, coaches, staff, officials and volunteers should follow British Cycling’s guidelines.
Participation in British Cycling’s competitive events should only go ahead with full observance of the technical regulations governing the sport in general and the individual disciplines within the sport.
Coaches and club officials should plan all structured or group cycling to meet the needs and safety of the riders involved. Coaching sessions, in particular, should be progressive and appropriate.
The club and its coaches should maintain appropriate records of members and of coached riders. Whenever a coach advises a rider, they should recognise and accept when it is appropriate to refer them to another coach or specialist.
Coaches and officials should seek to attain the highest level of qualification available and maintain an up-to-date knowledge and understanding of technical developments within cycling and of other issues which may have an influence on their rider(s) or their own professional ability.
OneSixSix Velo Cycling Club’s members, coaches, staff, officials and volunteers should be aware of the social issues and how cycling can contribute to local, regional or national initiatives. Every opportunity to recruit people into the sport or to use cycling as an educational tool should be taken.
Coaches should identify and contribute to initiatives which will improve the standards and quality of coaching, both in cycling and other sports. By operating in an open and transparent fashion with each other, coaches can benefit from shared knowledge and experience.
When involved in coaching or any other area of specialist knowledge or expertise, individuals should look to take an analytical approach, including identifying their professional needs. They should be committed to participating in continuous professional development through both training and experience.
Anyone engaged in positions of responsibility within cycling should be aware of the need to manage their lifestyle and commitments to the sport to avoid burn-out, stress or a lowering of standards, which may impact themselves or others.
It is vital that no one in cycling, at any level, assumes responsibility for any role which they are not qualified or prepared for. Above all, they should not mislead others as to their level of qualification or competence.